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Over £25,000 recovered from Bitcoin investment scam

Matthew reached out to Refundaroo after falling victim to a Bitcoin investment scam through a cloned trading platform.

Like many fraud victims, Matthew (name changed to protect his anonymity) accessed a website he had used many times before and trusted for high-value investments. Unfortunately, the site was a deceptive front. Scammers had cloned the platform, creating a perfect facade to mislead unsuspecting visitors.

Commenting on the ordeal, he said: “People are losing all their money, including life savings, pensions, and inheritance to cloned firms. Sadly, if there is money to be made, someone will do it.”

In Matthew’s case, he decided to invest £25,000 in Bitcoin, something he’d done previously. However, he was left stunned when he was contacted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), who informed him that the company he’d invested in had cloned a regulated firm’s website to commit fraud.

Getting Your Money Back After an Investment Scam

Matthew initially tried to recover his money directly from his bank but was disappointed when they only refunded half of the amount. He said: “My investment was made by bank transfer. Like most banks, they initially refused to accept any liability for my loss, which I didn’t accept, so I wasn’t happy with the outcome.”

Banks have a duty of care to ensure that their clients are protected from unusual activity like this and should be alerted by the fact that Matthew did not have a history of making high-value payments to this particular account.

Reflecting on the process, Matthew commented, “Looking around the internet, I found Refundaroo, who said they dealt with scams and fraud. I had nothing to lose, so I gave them a ring. They told me my bank had to protect my money and recovered all of it. They were very helpful, efficient, and understanding, and I know my money would not have been recovered without their help.”

Claudia Cardoso, co-founder of Refundaroo, said this experience is not uncommon, “Many people feel distraught when they realize they have been tricked out of their savings, but that is why it is so important to get help. We always ask people to notify their bank in the first instance, and if they’re not happy and would like further support, then we can help.”

With Refundaroo’s help, Matthew was able to recover the remaining £12,500 plus interest. Upon getting a refund for the fraud from his bank with the help of Refundaroo, Matthew commented, “I can’t recommend Refundaroo enough. If you are a victim of this type of fraud, then give Refundaroo a call. You have nothing to lose, but you could recover what you have lost.”

Refundaroo can also claim damages for distress and interest (from the date the money was lost), meaning victims get close to, or in some circumstances, more money than they lost.

Refundaroo: Committed to Helping Victims of Cryptocurrency Fraud

Refundaroo is dedicated to assisting victims of cryptocurrency fraud. If you have been affected, find out if you have a case.

YouTube Flooded with Elon Musk Crypto Scams During SpaceX Launch

Scammers exploited the excitement surrounding SpaceX’s recent Starship rocket launch, flooding YouTube with over 35 channels promoting crypto-doubling schemes. Utilizing AI-generated fake Elon Musk videos, these scams enticed viewers to scan QR codes linked to fraudulent websites. Notably, high-profile figures like Elon Musk have been frequent targets of such deceptive tactics.

Scammers target SpaceX launch

During SpaceX’s fourth test launch of the Starship rocket on June 6, cybercriminals capitalized on the event to inundate YouTube with fraudulent live streams. Identified by cybersecurity experts at Avast Threat Labs, these scammers hijacked multiple channels to propagate the classic “double your crypto” scheme.

Deceptive promises of doubling cryptocurrency

The modus operandi of these scams involves impersonating well-known personalities to lure unsuspecting victims into sending cryptocurrency to the scammer’s wallet, with the false assurance of doubling their investment. By synchronizing their fake live streams with the official SpaceX launch, scammers aimed to lend credibility to their fraudulent activities.

Among the deceptive tactics employed, one channel masqueraded as an official SpaceX account, broadcasting four simultaneous live streams featuring AI-altered videos of Elon Musk. In these videos, the fake Musk encouraged viewers to scan QR codes purportedly linked to a special website promising cryptocurrency doubling.

Impact and response

Despite the live streams garnering significant viewership, with some exceeding 100,000 viewers, the precise extent of the scam’s impact remains undisclosed. Following detection, the fraudulent streams were promptly removed, though the number of individuals deceived by the scam remains uncertain.

Elon Musk’s persistent targeting

Elon Musk, renowned for his discussions on cryptocurrencies with millions of followers, has consistently been targeted by scammers. Past incidents, including the April 8 solar eclipse, witnessed similar scams flooding YouTube, featuring fake SpaceX giveaways and QR codes leading to fraudulent websites.

In light of the escalating prevalence of such scams, Refundaroo encourages vigilance among investors and advises thorough verification of investment opportunities. Stay informed and protected from fraudulent schemes with Refundaroo’s expert guidance.


For more updates on safeguarding your investments and defending against cryptocurrency scams, stay connected with Refundaroo. We are dedicated to actively combating scams and assisting victims. If you have been affected, don’t hesitate to reach out to us to check if you have a case. Together, let’s work towards a safer investment landscape.

Are cryptocurrencies legitimate?

Legal challenges surrounding “unconventional” currencies

Consider cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin immediately springs to mind for most individuals. Remarkably, the titan of cryptocurrency debuted and commenced trading as recently as 2009. Despite its modest origins, experts now estimate bitcoin’s market capitalization at a staggering $350 billion, affirming its enduring presence.

Where bitcoin blazed a trail, other cryptocurrencies swiftly followed suit. While bitcoin maintains supremacy in size, alternatives such as EOS, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, and Ripple (XRP) boast their own followings. Moreover, the impending launch of libra, backed by Facebook, heralds significant market impact.

Much like traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies experience fluctuations in value, facilitating buying and selling akin to forex trading. Their increasing utility for transactions is evident, with PayPal recently integrating support for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, despite potential for rapid profits, the inherent price volatility renders cryptocurrencies a perceived high-risk endeavor.

This raises the question: Are cryptocurrencies legally sanctioned? Broadly speaking, yes, although delving into the intricacies of digital currencies reveals nuanced legalities. Additionally, we explore prevalent scams to avoid(links to the article avoiding forex trading scams essential guidelines) and observe the growing mainstream acceptance of these “unconventional” currencies.

Cryptocurrency legality: Geographic significance and currency diversity

While certain smaller nations have prohibited select cryptocurrencies, the majority of major economies recognize their legality.

Owing to Bitcoin’s dominance, certain jurisdictions have initiated regulatory measures concerning this market leader. Nevertheless, regulations for other cryptocurrencies remain patchy. The swiftness of the internet contrasts with governmental regulatory sluggishness, resulting in a fragmented regulatory landscape. The prospect of expanded regulation across all cryptocurrencies appears likely, particularly with initiatives like the EU’s draft proposals for crypto-assets regulation.

However, governments face constraints in regulating digital currencies. For many investors, cryptocurrencies’ appeal lies in their autonomy from governmental oversight and influence. Some question the legal and moral justification for governments to legislate beyond their jurisdictional boundaries.

Bitcoin: Security and legality

With nearly nine fold market capitalization compared to its closest competitor, bitcoin warrants closer scrutiny. Its dominant stature has garnered attention from national governments and regulators, prompting various countries, including canada, china, and russia, to impose banking restrictions and regulations on bitcoin. Meanwhile, other nations adopt a more laissez-faire approach or are deliberating their stance.

Bitcoin’s legal complexities vary by country and encompass diverse issues. Notably, these legal matters extend to other cryptocurrencies. Depending on one’s locale, tax obligations, record-keeping requirements, registration mandates for financial service entities, and anti-money laundering measures may apply. Assuming adherence to regulations, Bitcoin is generally deemed both legal and secure.

Key legal concerns with cryptocurrency

Presently, primary legal concerns regarding cryptocurrencies revolve around financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorism financing. Critics argue that cryptocurrencies, by facilitating third-party payments from anonymous sources, may inadvertently enable illicit activities.

Proving or disproving such allegations poses challenges due to transaction anonymity. Nonetheless, organizations like the g7 spotlight this issue, indicating ongoing scrutiny of cryptocurrencies. However, the prevalence of legitimate investors underscores the likelihood that authorities would have intervened to curtail such currencies if truly concerned.

Utility and challenges in managing cryptocurrency

Acquiring and exchanging cryptocurrencies is relatively straightforward, facilitated by exchanges, websites, stores, or ATMs. However, challenges arise during fund withdrawals, often entailing protracted processes. Uncooperative brokers, ambiguous terms, limited crypto-accepting businesses, and market evolution present additional obstacles. Encouragingly, ongoing cryptocurrency developments aim to address and surmount these challenges.

Cryptocurrency and fraud

Cryptocurrency, like financial trading, is susceptible to fraudulent activities. Unlike traditional financial markets, cryptocurrencies operate beyond governmental and regulatory oversight, necessitating cautious investment approaches.

Common cryptocurrency scams include Ponzi schemes, e-wallet theft, counterfeit initial coin offerings (ICOs), market manipulation, and fraudulent exchanges. Mitigating risks involves exercising caution, utilizing secure websites(links to 12 simple methods to verify the legitimacy of a website) or identify a scam (indicated by https), verifying staff and company credentials on platforms like LinkedIn, scrutinizing online reviews, and avoiding unrealistic promises.

Individuals defrauded in cryptocurrency trading may feel hopeless about reclaiming their funds, especially if dealing with unregulated brokers. However, specialized funds recovery services like Refundaroo offer hope, leveraging their experienced legal and financial personnel to potentially recover stolen cryptocurrency.

A win for Refundaroo: Victim of crypto scam reclaims all

Samuel finds hope with Refundaroo’s support: United in victory against financial fraud


Samuel’s journey is a powerful testament to the devastating impact of cryptocurrency scams and the vital role of advocacy and support services in restoring justice for victims.

It all began innocently, with Samuel delving into cryptocurrency investment with just £200. However, what seemed like a promising venture quickly turned into a nightmare as Samuel fell victim to a sophisticated scam. Encouraged by false promises of wealth, Samuel’s investments grew, eventually encompassing his entire pension pot. The illusion shattered when the fraudulent company advised him to invest his pension funds, exposing the true nature of the scheme.

Determined to reclaim his stolen funds, Samuel turned to Refundaroo for assistance. Recognizing the severity of his situation, Refundaroo swiftly mobilized its resources to advocate on his behalf. With expertise and commitment, Refundaroo navigated the intricate web of financial fraud.

Trading Standards also joined the effort, collaborating closely with Refundaroo to pursue restitution and hold the perpetrators accountable. Their combined efforts resulted in a significant refund from Samuel’s bank, marking a monumental victory in the fight against financial fraud.

Samuel expressed profound gratitude for Refundaroo’s unwavering support, acknowledging their instrumental role in securing a favorable outcome. His story serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and advocacy in combating financial exploitation.

As Samuel rebuilds his life, his journey offers hope for others who have fallen victim to cryptocurrency scams. It underscores the importance of seeking assistance and standing up against fraud, no matter the odds.

To learn more about protecting yourself from scams and accessing support if you’ve been victimized, contact Refundaroo. Our dedicated team is committed to empowering victims and fighting for justice in the face of financial fraud. Together, we can build a safer future for all.


17 Cryptocurrency investment scams you must know

The 2021 cryptocurrency boom, highlighted by Bitcoin’s impressive price surges, driven by institutional investments and endorsements from notable figures like Elon Musk, has drawn in numerous new retail investors. Unfortunately, this influx has also attracted a surge of scammers eager to exploit unsuspecting newcomers. Here are the top 17 crypto scams that both new and seasoned investors should be aware of.

Social Media Scams

Social media platforms are rife with crypto scammers. A common tactic involves spamming tweets and Instagram posts with various crypto-related hashtags or impersonating popular exchanges. These posts often promise signup bonuses or investment advice but instead contain malware links. Always verify the identity of social media accounts before engaging or clicking any links.

Social Engineering Scams

Social engineering scams use psychological tricks to steal money or information. Scammers may try to obtain your cryptocurrency exchange passwords or pose as your wallet provider. They may also claim to have compromising images of you and threaten to release them unless you pay a ransom. Never click on links from unknown sources or respond to such threats.

DeFi Rug Pulls

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) encompasses various cryptocurrency financial applications. In a rug pull scam, an organization locks your funds in a smart contract, promising a significant payout. However, these contracts often contain vulnerabilities that hackers exploit, leaving you with empty accounts. Invest in DeFi projects that have undergone security audits and have reputable track records.

Fake Bitcoin Exchanges

Fake exchanges lure you with promises of zero fees or below-market prices for Bitcoin. Once you deposit your money, the exchange disappears. Ensure that any exchange you use is fully registered, regulated, and has positive online reviews.

Fake Cryptocurrencies

Creating a new cryptocurrency is relatively easy, and scammers take advantage of this by launching new coins with lofty promises. They often target victims through email campaigns and social media posts. Always verify the legitimacy of a cryptocurrency and its developers before investing.


Malware is a longstanding cyber threat that has evolved to target crypto users. It can access your online wallet, scan your device for crypto addresses, and replace them with the hacker’s address. Keep your antivirus software updated, avoid suspicious attachments, and only download programs from legitimate sources.

Imposter Websites

Imposter websites mimic legitimate crypto exchanges and wallet providers. They trick users into entering personal and financial information. Watch for red flags like pressure to deposit funds quickly and unsolicited emails. Always verify the URL and ensure it matches the legitimate site.

Fake Mobile Apps

Fake mobile apps impersonate real exchanges on app stores. These apps steal your data and payments. Although Apple and Google are vigilant about removing fake apps, other app stores may not be. Verify the app’s name and avoid apps that pressure you to make purchases.

Bad Tweets and Social Media Updates

Fake accounts on social media platforms often pose as influencers or development firms, promising big returns. They provide links to invest in projects, but these links lead to scam sites. Don’t click on social media links or trust deals that seem too good to be true.

Scamming Emails

Email scams include blackmail, get-rich-quick schemes, and ransomware links. Most email platforms filter out these scams, but if one slips through, report it as spam and delete it. Never trust messages from unknown sources.


Phishing attacks often come via mass email campaigns, but spear phishing is more targeted, gathering detailed personal information. Protect yourself with two-factor authentication and complex passwords for online accounts.

Fraudulent ICOs

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are used to raise funds for new crypto projects, but an estimated 80% are fraudulent. Scammers promise huge returns but deliver nothing. New investors should avoid ICOs, while experienced ones should thoroughly vet any project before investing.

Bitcoin Blackmail Scams

Scammers claim to have compromising information about you and demand Bitcoin to keep it private. These are usually baseless threats sent to thousands of people. Ignore and delete these messages.

Impersonation Giveaway Scams

Scammers create fake social media accounts of famous people to offer fake investment opportunities. They promise Bitcoin rewards or airdrops for signing up, but links lead to scam sites. Be cautious of links and offers that seem too good to be true.

Ponzi or Pyramid Schemes

Ponzi schemes involve early investors receiving returns from new investors’ funds, convincing them the scheme is legitimate. Eventually, the scammers disappear with the money. Avoid any investment that pressures you to recruit others.

Mining Scams

Scammers exploit the complexity of crypto mining by promising high returns for cloud mining services. These scams often steal data or have hidden fees. New crypto investors should avoid mining activities.

Pumps and Dumps

Pump and dump schemes involve coordinated buying of a small market cap coin to inflate its price, followed by a sell-off that crashes the price. Be wary of sudden price jumps in low-cap coins and avoid social media promotions of such schemes.

Recovering Your Money After a Cryptocurrency Scam

If you’ve been scammed, don’t lose hope. Refundaroo specializes in cryptocurrency scam recovery, with a team of legal experts ready to help you. They can investigate your case, identify scammers, alert authorities, and use legal channels to recover your funds, including chargebacks for payments made via credit or debit card.

10 Easy Steps to Protect Yourself from Crypto Scams in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, safeguarding your investments is paramount. At Refundaroo, we understand the importance of protecting your financial security. Here are ten simple yet crucial steps to shield yourself from crypto scams in 2024:

1. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest scams and fraud tactics prevalent in the cryptocurrency space. Knowledge is your strongest defense against exploitation.

2. Verify Sources: Before investing in any cryptocurrency or participating in an ICO, conduct thorough research and verify the legitimacy of the project and its developers.

3. Use Reputable Platforms: Stick to well-known and reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms endorsed by industry experts.

4. Secure Your Wallet: Protect your digital assets by using a hardware wallet or reputable software wallet. Enable two-factor authentication and store your private keys offline for added security.

5. Beware of Phishing: Exercise caution when dealing with unsolicited emails, messages, or advertisements promising high returns. Phishing scams often impersonate legitimate websites to steal your sensitive information.

6. Avoid Pump-and-Dump Schemes: Steer clear of schemes promising quick profits through artificially inflating cryptocurrency prices. These schemes are illegal and pose significant risks to investors.

7. Double-Check Addresses: Always verify wallet addresses when sending or receiving cryptocurrencies to prevent accidental losses.

8. Practice Caution on Social Media: Be vigilant when engaging with cryptocurrency-related content on social media platforms. Scammers frequently use fake profiles and groups to deceive unsuspecting investors.

9. Stay Skeptical: Exercise caution when encountering investment opportunities that seem too good to be true. If an offer promises high returns with little risk, it’s likely a scam.

10. Seek Professional Advice: When in doubt, consult with financial advisors or cryptocurrency experts. They can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you make informed investment decisions.

By following these ten simple steps, you can minimize the risk of falling victim to crypto scams and protect your financial well-being in 2024. At Refundaroo, we are committed to empowering investors with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the cryptocurrency landscape safely. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and together, we can build a more secure future for all.