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From scam to success: How Refundaroo rescued $15,000 lost in crypto Fraud


Ben Campbell’s harrowing experience with a sophisticated crypto investment scam serves as a cautionary tale for investors. Here’s how Refundaroo assisted him in reclaiming his lost funds.

The Initial Investment: Ben Campbell initially engaged with AnalystQ, a trading platform, hoping to secure his financial future. However, after experiencing minimal returns, he decided to cease trading and close his account.

The Scam Unfolds: Several months later, Ben received communication from an individual claiming to represent AnalystQ. They asserted that Ben’s dormant wallet had accrued substantial profits, totaling $30,000. To access these earnings, they insisted he reactivate his account by making payments through Ibinex, a cryptoc

Ben Campbell’s story is a stark reminder of the risks associated with crypto investment scams and the importance of seeking assistance from trusted sources. Let’s delve deeper into his experience and how Refundaroo played a pivotal role in his recovery journey.

The Initial Investment: Ben initially engaged with AnalystQ, aiming to secure his financial future. However, after minimal returns, he decided to close his account.

The Scam Unfolds: Months later, Ben was approached by an individual claiming to represent AnalystQ, asserting his dormant wallet had accrued substantial profits, totaling $30,000. To access these earnings, he was instructed to reactivate his account through Ibinex, a cryptocurrency trading platform.

The Additional Demands: Initially compliant, Ben made modest payments as requested. However, further demands, including a supposed tax payment of $5,000, raised suspicion.

Realization of Fraud: Ben’s funds became inaccessible, and demands for additional payments heightened his skepticism, leading to the realization of the scam.

Seeking Assistance: Facing indifference from his bank, Ben turned to Refundaroo for help.

Recovery Efforts: Refundaroo’s fraud department conducted a meticulous investigation, resulting in the recovery of the entire $15,000 lost, plus additional interest, totaling over $16,000.

Expert Advice: Jack Allen, the Fraud Expert Paralegal overseeing Ben’s case, highlighted the importance of verifying companies and avoiding cryptocurrency transactions. He emphasized thorough research and vigilance to prevent falling victim to similar scams.

Conclusion: Ben’s ordeal underscores the need for caution in navigating investment opportunities, particularly in cryptocurrency. Victims of fraud or scams, like Ben, have recourse through trusted entities like Refundaroo. Their dedicated Fraud department stands ready to assist in reclaiming lost funds. If you find yourself in a similar situation, reach out to Refundaroo for prompt assistance.

How Refundaroo helped mark recover from a devastating binary options scam

Mark, a 45-year-old full-time tradesman from Toronto, Canada, embarked on a journey into binary options trading with an initial investment of $50,000, hoping to build a better future. However, his aspirations were shattered as he fell victim to persuasive scammers, ultimately losing a staggering $600,000 to their deceitful schemes.

Feeling helpless and distraught, Mark sought assistance from Refundaroo, recognizing the urgency of his situation. Our team, equipped with expertise in fraud recovery, immediately sprang into action. We meticulously analyzed Mark’s case, leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit to reclaim his lost funds.

Through strategic collaboration with relevant authorities and financial institutions, Refundaroo orchestrated a comprehensive recovery operation. As a result, Mark successfully retrieved a significant portion of his funds, providing him with much-needed relief and reassurance in the face of adversity.

At Refundaroo, we understand the devastating impact of falling victim to online scams. That’s why we’re dedicated to offering tailored solutions to individuals like Mark who have been defrauded. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. With our dedicated team by your side, there’s hope for reclaiming what’s rightfully yours.

Man awarded $150,000 from AI investment scam.


John (whose name has been changed for anonymity),  a 60-year-old resident of Northern California, fell victim to an AI-driven scam that targeted him by impersonating law enforcement officials. This case study outlines how John was deceived and the subsequent steps taken to recover his lost funds, ultimately leading to a successful resolution and the recovery of $150,000.

Incident description

One afternoon, John received a phone call from someone claiming to be an officer from the local police department. The caller used AI-generated voice technology to sound convincingly authoritative. They informed John that his bank accounts had been compromised and that they needed his financial information to secure his assets. Believing he was speaking to a legitimate officer, John provided sensitive information, including his bank account details and Social Security number.

Shortly after the call, John noticed several unauthorized transactions amounting to $150,000. Realizing he had been scammed, he immediately contacted Refundaroo and was then advised to contact his bank and reported the incident.

Investigation and recovery

Upon contacting the bank, John was advised to report the scam to the local police department and the California Attorney General’s office. The investigation revealed that the scammers had used advanced AI technology to clone a legitimate officer’s voice, making their fraudulent claims appear genuine.

Steps to recovery

  1. Initial Consultation: Sarah first conducted a thorough interview with John to understand the details of the scam. She reassured him that Refundaroo would handle the complexities of the recovery process.
  2. Reporting and Documentation: Sarah assisted John in compiling all necessary documentation and reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities, including the local police and the Attorney General’s office.
  3. Coordination with Authorities: Refundaroo worked in tandem with John’s bank and the Attorney General’s office. Their collective effort revealed that the scammers had used advanced AI technology to clone a legitimate officer’s voice, making their fraudulent claims appear genuine.
  4. Public Awareness Campaign: Refundaroo supported the Attorney General’s office in launching a public awareness campaign to educate consumers about AI-driven scams.

Tips for Prevention

The campaign highlighted several key strategies for avoiding AI-based scams:

  • Develop family code words: Establish “safe words” or specific questions that only family members would know.
  • Minimize personal content on social Media: Remove personal audio/video content to prevent scammers from creating AI clones.
  • Strengthen privacy settings: Enhance privacy settings on social media platforms.
  • Screen calls: Let calls from unknown numbers go to voicemail.
  • Beware of spoofed caller IDs: Recognize that caller IDs can be manipulated.
  • Hang up on suspicious calls: Immediately hang up if a call seems suspicious.
  • Use call-blocking technology: Utilize call-blocking services from cellular providers.
  • Avoid clicking suspicious links: Do not click on links from unknown texts, emails, or social media messages.
  • Visit websites directly: Enter web addresses manually instead of clicking on links.
  • Use strong passwords: Employ unique passwords for different online accounts.
  • Protect sensitive information: Keep your Social Security number and other sensitive information secure.
  • Verify government calls: Double-check calls from government agencies by visiting their official websites.


Through the diligent efforts of the bank, local police, and the Attorney General’s office, Refundaroo was able to recover the full amount of $150,000. John’s experience serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of vigilance and awareness in the face of evolving technological scams.

By following the preventive measures outlined by the Attorney General’s office, individuals can better protect themselves from falling victim to sophisticated AI-driven scams. Refundaroo’s team of experts is dedicated to helping victims of fraud recover their lost funds and regain their peace of mind. With their extensive experience in handling complex scam cases, Refundaroo provides a reliable and supportive resource for those who have fallen prey to deceptive schemes. If you have been in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to see if you have a case by visiting the Refundaroo website.

How Refundaroo rescued Mrs. Johnson from recovery fraudsters

In 2022, Mrs. Johnson—a retired nurse, aged 72—found herself entangled in a web of online scams. Hoping to bolster her retirement income, she invested nearly $70,000 in what appeared to be a promising opportunity offered by CWP Investments.

The deceptive investment

Mrs. Johnson’s optimism quickly turned to despair as she realized she had fallen prey to cunning scammers. Despite her attempts to retrieve her funds, she encountered numerous obstacles and false assurances, leaving her emotionally and financially depleted. determined to regain her lost funds, Mrs. Johnson sought the help of recovery scammers, who promised to assist in recouping her losses. Entrusting them with an additional $100,000, she held onto the hope of a brighter financial future, only to find herself ensnared in yet another fraudulent scheme.

Refundaroo’s intervention

Amidst her despair, Mrs. Johnson discovered Refundaroo—a bit of hope in her darkest hour. With unwavering determination, Refundaroo took on her case, armed with expertise in fraud recovery. They embarked on a meticulous analysis, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for truth and restitution.

A victory over adversity

Through collaboration with authorities, Refundaroo orchestrated a successful recovery operation, resulting in the return of Mrs. Johnson’s lost funds. Her perseverance, combined with Refundaroo’s unwavering resolve, restored her faith and financial stability.

The journey ahead

Mrs. Johnson’s harrowing experience serves as a cautionary tale, shedding light on the dangers of online scams. However, her story also embodies resilience and the transformative impact of expert intervention. As she looks toward the future, Mrs. Johnson stands as a testament to the triumph of hope over adversity.

Your trusted partner in fund recovery

If you’ve fallen victim to fraud, don’t lose hope. Contact Refundaroo today. With their dedicated team, justice is within reach, and a brighter financial future awaits.

Widowed grandfather recovers $45,000 from wine investment scam

William, an 82-year-old widower preparing to relocate, found himself in a distressing situation after falling victim to a wine investment scam. However, thanks to the incredible assistance of Refundaroo, he was able to recover $45,000 that he thought was lost forever.

How the scam occurred:

William received a call from someone claiming to represent a wine investment company, offering him an opportunity to invest in rare wines with promises of high returns. Initially cautious, William invested $15,000. However, when he attempted to cash out his investment, the company continually delayed the process, urging him to wait a few more years or suggesting he increase his investment for greater returns. Believing their reassurances, William eventually invested an additional $30,000.

The recovery process:

Feeling increasingly uneasy about the situation, William sought help from Refundaroo in 2022. Their dedicated fraud department diligently examined his case and uncovered the deceitful practices of the wine investment company. Refundaroo successfully recovered the full amount lost, totaling £45,000, including the additional $30,000 investment made under false pretenses.

What to do if you’ve been scammed:

William’s experience underscores the importance of seeking professional assistance when dealing with investment scams. Refundaroo not only helped him recover his money but also provided invaluable support during a challenging time. If you’ve fallen victim to a scam, don’t lose hope. Contact Refundaroo at  through their online enquiry form for expert guidance and assistance in recovering your funds.