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How to report a scam?

As long as the internet has been around, online scams have been a persistent threat. While scams and frauds have existed throughout history, the internet provides an ideal platform for such illicit activities. Online, it’s effortless to deceive, impersonate, disappear, and cover one’s tracks.

Many defrauded investors hesitate to report internet fraud or are reluctant to admit they’ve been deceived. Unfortunately, fraudsters often exploit this reluctance, making it challenging for victims to come forward.

Knowledge is power. Understanding the common types of scams and the tactics used by fraudsters can help you steer clear of online trading dangers. This guide sheds light on what to watch out for. And for those who have fallen victim to scams, read on to discover how to report internet scammers and explore alternative solutions to reclaim lost funds.

The Various Trading Scams

  • Trading scams take various forms, but they all share a common goal: illegally obtaining your money. When engaging in online trading, beware of the following scams:
  • Unethical brokers who engage in unfair or illegal practices, charge excessive fees, and make it difficult for you to withdraw your funds.
  • Sham companies that vanish overnight. These companies, often based offshore, operate with fake or stolen registrations.
  • Dubious investment schemes, ranging from traditional assets like precious metals to trendy markets like cryptocurrencies, promising unrealistic returns.
  • Expensive automated trading software packages that fail to deliver promised returns, particularly in forex trading.
  • Fake financial experts who offer costly subscriptions for purported expert advice.

It’s essential to note that even prestigious, well-known companies aren’t immune to dishonest practices. Always conduct thorough research and due diligence before investing.

Detecting Scammers

  • While some scams are blatantly obvious, others are sophisticated and difficult to detect. However, there are several red flags to watch out for:
  • Fake celebrity endorsements or promises of unbelievably high returns.
  • Time-limited offers designed to pressure you into immediate action.
  • Fake websites mimicking legitimate brokerage firms or stealing identities of genuine traders.
  • Images depicting luxurious lifestyles to lure unsuspecting investors.
  • By familiarizing yourself with the tactics employed by fraudsters, you can better protect yourself from falling victim to their schemes.

Reporting an Online Scam

If you suspect you’ve been defrauded online, your first step should be to contact the company involved or the relevant national financial regulator. In some cases, the company may be unaware of the scam, while regulators have a track record of cracking down on unscrupulous traders.

However, if traditional channels prove ineffective, consider reaching out to the media or launching an online campaign to expose the fraudulent behavior.

Next Steps if You’ve Been Scammed

If traditional avenues fail to recover your funds, there’s still hope. Companies like Refundaroo offer dedicated funds recovery services to help victims reclaim what’s rightfully theirs. With experienced legal and financial professionals on your side, many scammers relent under pressure.

Countless investors have successfully retrieved their funds through Refundaroo’s assistance, offering a risk-free avenue for victims of online fraud to explore.

How Refundaroo helped mark recover from a devastating binary options scam

Mark, a 45-year-old full-time tradesman from Toronto, Canada, embarked on a journey into binary options trading with an initial investment of $50,000, hoping to build a better future. However, his aspirations were shattered as he fell victim to persuasive scammers, ultimately losing a staggering $600,000 to their deceitful schemes.

Feeling helpless and distraught, Mark sought assistance from Refundaroo, recognizing the urgency of his situation. Our team, equipped with expertise in fraud recovery, immediately sprang into action. We meticulously analyzed Mark’s case, leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit to reclaim his lost funds.

Through strategic collaboration with relevant authorities and financial institutions, Refundaroo orchestrated a comprehensive recovery operation. As a result, Mark successfully retrieved a significant portion of his funds, providing him with much-needed relief and reassurance in the face of adversity.

At Refundaroo, we understand the devastating impact of falling victim to online scams. That’s why we’re dedicated to offering tailored solutions to individuals like Mark who have been defrauded. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. With our dedicated team by your side, there’s hope for reclaiming what’s rightfully yours.

UK court sentences three for binary options scam

Important announcement

As part of our ongoing efforts to protect investors from fraudulent schemes, the Refundaroo team is closely monitoring developments in the financial industry. In a recent court ruling, individuals associated with Bespoke Markets Group (BMG) have been found guilty of orchestrating a binary options scam, defrauding approximately 120 investors of £1.2 million.

The court convicted Cameron Vickers, Raheel Mirza, and Opeyemi Solaja of conspiracy to defraud investors through BMG, a London-based company. Mirza faced additional charges of ‘perverting the course of justice,’ while Reuben Akpojaro was found guilty of conducting unauthorized investments. However, Akpojaro was acquitted of conspiracy to defraud and money laundering charges.Vickers, identified as the ‘trading floor manager’ who solicited investments, and Solaja, who handled investors’ funds, received prison sentences of seven and a half years each. Mirza, responsible for establishing and operating BMG offices, was sentenced to eight years in jail. Meanwhile, Akpojaro awaits sentencing.

The Refundaroo team is currently assessing whether individuals affected by the BMG scam may have a case for a refund. If you have been impacted by this fraudulent scheme, we encourage you to reach out to our team. We are here to provide assistance and explore options for recovering your lost funds.Fraudulent schemes like BMG highlight the importance of vigilance and due diligence when investing. As part of our commitment to investor protection, Refundaroo remains dedicated to helping victims of financial scams seek justice and restitution. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

Protecting your investments: How to avoid binary trading frauds

Investing in financial markets can be profitable, but it comes with risks, especially the risk of falling victim to binary trading frauds. Binary options trading offers the allure of quick profits, but it has also become a target for fraudsters. This article will explore various types of binary trading frauds and provide essential tips to protect your investments.

What are binary trading frauds?

Binary trading frauds involve deceptive practices aimed at manipulating or cheating investors in the binary options market. Binary options are financial instruments that allow traders to speculate on the price movements of assets like stocks, currencies, commodities, and indices. The goal is to predict whether the asset’s price will rise or fall within a specified period.

While legitimate binary options trading platforms exist, fraudulent schemes have damaged the industry’s reputation. These schemes often promise high returns with little to no risk, preying on individuals’ desire for quick and easy profits. Understanding the different types of binary trading frauds is crucial to safeguarding your investments.

Types of binary trading frauds

Fraudulent brokers and managed account scams

Fraudulent brokers and managed account scams are common types of binary trading frauds. Scammers pose as legitimate brokerage firms, offering expert guidance and substantial returns. They may claim to have sophisticated trading algorithms and experienced traders managing your account. However, once you invest, they might manipulate trades, make losing bets, or disappear with your money. They may even produce fake trading statements to convince you that your investments are growing.

How to protect yourself:

  • Research any brokerage firm or individual offering managed accounts thoroughly.
  • Verify regulatory licenses and certifications.
  • Avoid brokers who pressure you into quick decisions.
  • Never share sensitive information or transfer money without confirming the broker’s legitimacy.

Get-rich-quick scams

Get-rich-quick scams promise massive profits in a short time, often using flashy advertisements, videos, and fake testimonials. These scams claim their software or strategy guarantees high success rates. Some offer automated trading systems promising consistent profits with no effort.

How to avoid them:

  • Be skeptical of offers that sound too good to be true.
  • Understand that all trading involves risk, and no strategy guarantees consistent profits.
  • Read unbiased reviews before purchasing trading software or systems.
  • Avoid investing large sums without thoroughly testing a trading strategy.

Binary options training scams

Binary options training scams target new traders with courses, webinars, or mentorship programs claiming to teach trading success secrets. These courses often provide basic or outdated information available for free online. Scammers make money by selling overpriced training materials and pressuring you to buy unnecessary products or upgrades.

How to protect yourself:

  • Seek reputable educational resources and courses.
  • Check reviews and testimonials from other traders.
  • Be cautious of high-pressure sales tactics and extravagant claims.
  • Start with free resources to understand binary options trading before investing in paid courses.

Signal provider scams

Signal providers offer trading signals to help you make profitable trades. However, some manipulate signals to appear more successful than they are, charging monthly fees for access. Following their recommendations can lead to significant losses.

How to protect yourself:

  • Research the signal provider’s track record and verify their performance.
  • Be wary of exaggerated success rate claims.
  • Use free or trial signals before committing to a paid subscription.
  • Use signals as a supplementary tool, not your sole trading strategy.

Phishing scams and identity theft

Phishing scams involve fraudulent individuals or websites posing as legitimate binary options platforms to steal your personal and financial information. Once they have your details, they can access your accounts and funds.

How to avoid them:

  • Double-check the website’s URL for unusual characters or misspellings.
  • Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited emails or messages requesting personal information.
  • Verify the legitimacy of any website or platform before providing sensitive information.


Binary trading frauds are a significant concern for investors, particularly those new to binary options trading due to its simplicity and potential for quick returns. By understanding the types of fraud and following the tips in this article, you can protect yourself from scams. Remember, legitimate binary options trading involves risk, and there are no guaranteed shortcuts to wealth. Always exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and seek advice from trusted financial professionals before making investment decisions.

Beware of fake binary trading academies

Binary trading scams are unfortunately all too common, but one type that often flies under the radar is the existence of fake binary trading academies. So, what exactly are these scams, and how do they operate?

These fraudulent binary trading academies entice individuals with promises of quick wealth and financial freedom, targeting those seeking to enhance their financial situation. However, behind the glossy marketing and assurances of expert instruction lies a well-coordinated scheme aimed at leading aspiring traders to unregulated brokers and, ultimately, financial losses.

It All Starts With a Hook

These purportedly helpful “academies” are anything but. Scammers meticulously craft these academies to draw people in with the allure of learning how to trade, but their true intentions are far more sinister.

They are notorious for their aggressive advertising tactics, tailored to prey on vulnerable individuals seeking to learn a new investment strategy and achieve financial stability. These advertisements typically feature:

  • Promises of quick and effortless money-making opportunities. While trading can be profitable, it’s never as easy or fast as these academies claim.
  • Appeals to those facing financial struggles, offering an escape from debt or dissatisfaction with current income.
  • The allure of being your own boss, targeting individuals seeking financial freedom through investment and trading.
  • Free resources such as webinars and e-books designed to build trust and establish credibility. However, access to these materials often requires providing personal information.

Presenting “Proof”

While the social media ads aim to capture attention, they’re just the first step in convincing you to sign up for the course. This is where they start selling you on the “life-changing course.”

Beyond promising quick profits, they often use so-called success stories to grab your attention. These stories, featured in videos and articles on their websites, showcase individuals supposedly living in luxury after taking their course. However, these are often fabricated with actors and rented luxury items.

The Illusion of Learning

While you may receive free educational material initially, it’s all part of a larger scheme to scam you out of your money.

The free content aims to create a false sense of progress by oversimplifying trading concepts and exaggerating potential gains. However, it’s limited and leaves you wanting more, convincing you that success lies in signing up for the paid course.

The Upsell and Broker Connection

Once they have your contact information, the pressure tactics begin. Salespeople posing as trading experts will bombard you with exclusive offers and promises of quick profits.

After selling you the course, they’ll push you to deposit money with a specific broker. These brokers will encourage frequent trading, larger trade sizes, and prevent you from withdrawing funds, ultimately benefiting only the academy and the fake broker.

Final Thoughts

While learning to trade and invest wisely is commendable, fake binary academies are not the way to go. They prey on unsuspecting individuals and can lead to significant financial losses. Stay vigilant and informed to protect yourself from falling victim to these scams.

What are binary options and how do they work?

Refundaroo specializes in helping people recover funds lost to scams. One of our areas of expertise is dealing with binary options scams. If you need assistance reclaiming your money after being scammed, contact our experts for a free consultation.

What are binary options and how do they work?

When exploring various investment options, you may encounter binary options. This article will explain the basics of binary options trading and the associated risks.

What is a binary option?

A binary option is a financial instrument that offers a fixed payout or nothing at all. When you buy binary options, you are essentially betting that the option’s price will reach a specific point at a certain time, at which you sell it. This all-or-nothing nature gives binary options their name.

Binary options vs. Traditional options: what’s the difference?

Unlike traditional options, binary options do not allow you to purchase or hold the underlying asset. Upon expiration of the binary options contract, you receive either a fixed amount or nothing. This makes binary options riskier than other types of options.

What are binary options signals?

Binary options signals are alerts you can buy from companies or investment advisors indicating when and which binary options to trade. These signals can also come from trading bots and algorithms and carry significant risk due to the prevalence of scams.

What are binary options on stocks?

Some binary options are based on individual stocks or stock indexes, allowing traders to speculate on the underlying stocks to inform their binary options trading decisions.

How do binary options work?

The underlying market

Binary option values are influenced by underlying markets. As global markets fluctuate, these changes affect the value of binary options. When you buy a binary option, you speculate on how a specific market will impact the option’s price.

The strike price

The strike price is the price you predict the options will reach. If the price meets or exceeds this point, you sell to make a profit. If it falls below, you earn nothing.

The expiration date and time

The expiration date and time determine when your binary options are settled into cash value. If the options surpass the predicted strike price, you receive a fixed payout.

The four markets you deal with in binary options


Forex, or the foreign exchange market, is where currencies are traded.

Stock indices

Stock indices, or stock indexes, represent subsets of the stock market that are traded as a group.


Commodities are raw materials, such as precious metals, oil, natural gas, and agricultural products, in which you can invest.

Binary events

Binary events trading involves speculation based on upcoming events, such as announcements, which can significantly influence binary option prices.

What is binary trading?

Binary trading involves buying and selling binary options through various trading platforms.

What’s the minimum deposit for a binary trade?

The minimum deposit for binary trades varies by platform but can be as low as $5 USD.

How to trade binary options

  • Study different market trends.
  • Sign up for a binary options trading platform.
  • Decide which market you want to trade binary options in.
  • Choose a strike price and expiration date/time.
  • Execute the trade.
  • Wait for the binary options trade to expire and settle into cash.

Binary options trading example

Consider a commodity like oil trading at $80. You buy a binary option with a strike price of $85, expiring tomorrow at 1 p.m. if the price exceeds $85 by the expiration time, you earn a fixed amount or percentage. If it remains below $85, you make nothing.

How are binary options regulated in the US?

Binary options are legal and regulated in the us, provided they are traded on approved us exchanges. Trading on unregulated exchanges increases the risk of scams, as these are not bound by the rules governing regulated exchanges.

Is this the same outside of the US?

Regulation varies by country. Some countries have strict regulations, while others have none at all.

Can you get scammed on a binary options trade?

While binary options themselves are legitimate, many scams exist, including fraudulent brokers. Always trade through registered and regulated exchanges to avoid scams.

Unregistered platforms can scam you in several ways, such as refusing payouts or manipulating data to show losses. Scammers may also steal financial information to commit identity theft and drain your accounts.

Beware of binary options signal scams, where bad investment advice is sold for a fee. Trading bots offering signals can also be deceptive.

If you believe you’ve been scammed in binary options trading, contact Refundaroo. Our team of fund recovery specialists will strive to recover your funds.