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Beware: Scammers on Facebook Posing as Hackers for Hire

An example of scammer you might see on Facebook


In the interconnected world of social media, staying vigilant against online scams is crucial to safeguarding your personal and financial information. Recently, Refundaroo has observed a troubling trend on Facebook: individuals posing as “hackers for hire,” exploiting unsuspecting users with promises of recovering lost funds or hacking into accounts for a fee. Here’s how you can identify and steer clear of these deceptive schemes:

  1. Unsolicited Offers: Refrain from engaging with unsolicited messages or friend requests from individuals claiming to offer hacking services. Legitimate professionals typically do not initiate contact in such a manner.
  2. Too Good to Be True Claims: Exercise caution if an offer guarantees the recovery of lost funds or claims to hack any account for a nominal fee. Legitimate hackers do not make unrealistic promises or engage in illegal activities.
  3. Verification of Credentials: Genuine hackers often have verifiable credentials, portfolios, or affiliations with reputable organizations. Scammers, on the other hand, lack credible evidence of their expertise.
  4. Upfront Payments: Be wary of hackers who insist on upfront payments, especially through untraceable methods like gift cards or cryptocurrency. Reputable professionals outline terms and conditions and use secure payment methods.
  5. Pressure Tactics: Scammers may create a sense of urgency or offer limited-time deals to pressure you into immediate action. Legitimate service providers allow you time to assess their legitimacy and services.
  6. Communication Quality: Pay attention to the quality of communication. Scammers often exhibit poor grammar, spelling errors, or inconsistencies in their messages—a telltale sign of potential fraudulent activity.
  7. Realistic Expectations: Understand that it is unrealistic for any hacker to guarantee the recovery of lost funds or engage in activities that defy legal and ethical boundaries. Exercise skepticism toward claims that seem too good to be true.

In conclusion, while the internet presents numerous opportunities, it also poses risks from scammers seeking to exploit vulnerabilities. Protect yourself by verifying credentials, maintaining skepticism, and refraining from engaging with individuals offering dubious hacking services. Remember, legitimate professionals adhere to ethical standards and do not participate in illegal activities. By staying informed and vigilant, you can safeguard your personal and financial security in the digital era. Refundaroo urges all users to stay cautious and report suspicious activities to help create a safer online community for everyone.


Track down your wine investment

Refundaroo understands that your wine collection is not just a hobby—it’s a passion and a significant investment. If your funds are currently tied up with another company, don’t let your prized assets sit idle any longer!
Imagine This Scenario:

You’re at a dinner party, and you realize that the perfect bottle to complement your evening is part of the collection that’s currently stuck. Why wait to enjoy what’s rightfully yours?

Here’s the secret: Wine tastes best when it’s in your cellar, not someone else’s vault.

Take Action Today!

Step 1: Contact Our Recovery Experts

At Refundaroo, our commitment to excellence in financial recovery sets us apart in the industry. When you engage our services, our first priority is a meticulous investigation into the precise location of your investment, be it wine collections or funds held by another entity. Leveraging our extensive network and expertise in financial practices, we uncover the details crucial to your case. This thorough approach ensures transparency and empowers you with clear, timely updates on the status and whereabouts of your assets.

Step 2: Secure Your Collection

Once we locate your collection, our expertise extends beyond recovery. We leverage our established connections within the industry to ensure your wine is sold for its true value. Whether through direct negotiation with buyers or utilizing trusted sales channels, we prioritize maximizing the return on your investment. This meticulous process not only secures your financial assets but also optimizes the outcome, allowing you to reap the full benefits of your initial investment. Our track record speaks for itself, as we continue to deliver tailored solutions that uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in every recovery endeavor.

Step 3: Celebrate Your Success

Once we’ve recovered your funds, it’s time to celebrate! Pop open a bottle and toast to taking control of your investment. After all, wine is meant to be enjoyed, not left in limbo.

Why Refundaroo?

Proven Success: We have a track record of successfully recovering funds for clients in the wine industry.
Expert Team: Our specialists know the ins and outs of financial recovery and are dedicated to getting your investment back.
Hassle-Free Process: We handle everything, so you can focus on what you love—enjoying your wine.

Don’t let your investment gather dust. Reach out to Refundaroo today and start the process of reclaiming what’s yours.

Contact us now and let’s get your collection back where it belongs!

Warning: Scammers Targeting Businesses on Facebook!

Attention Refundaroo Users: Beware of Facebook Scams!

Hello Refundaroo Family,

We wanted to alert you to a new scam that’s been targeting businesses on Facebook. Scammers are leaving comments on ads, falsely claiming that you’ve violated Facebook’s terms of service and need to contact them immediately. Please remember, Facebook will always contact you directly about any violations, never through comments on your ads.

What to Watch Out For

Scammers are getting clever, and their tactics can be convincing. Here’s what they’re doing:

  1. Leaving Comments: Scammers post comments on your business ads, saying you’ve breached Facebook’s policies.
  2. Creating Urgency: They try to make you panic by suggesting immediate action is needed to avoid serious consequences.
  3. Phishing for Information: They’ll ask you to contact them through a link or email, trying to steal your personal information.

Real Examples

Here are a few examples of what these scam comments might look like:

  • “⚠️ Your account has been flagged for violating Facebook’s advertising policies. Immediate action required! Contact us to resolve this issue.”
  • “🚨 Urgent: Your recent ad is in breach of Facebook’s terms of service. Failure to act will result in account suspension. Click the link to contact support.”

How Refundaroo Helps You Recover Lost Funds

If you fall victim to one of these scams and lose money, Refundaroo is here to help. Here’s what we do:

  1. Immediate Support: Contact our support team as soon as you realize you’ve been scammed. We’re available 24/7 to assist you.
  2. Investigation: We’ll launch a thorough investigation to understand the scam and gather all necessary details.
  3. Liaison with Banks: We work directly with your bank and any relevant financial institutions to dispute fraudulent charges and recover your funds.
  4. Preventive Measures: We’ll help you implement security measures to prevent future scams, including educating your team and setting up alerts.

Protect Yourself

Here’s how you can stay safe:

  1. Know Facebook’s Communication Methods: Facebook will never contact you via comments. Always check your official Facebook notifications or emails.
  2. Verify Claims: If you see a suspicious comment, don’t click on any links. Go to your Facebook Business Manager to check for official notifications.
  3. Report Scammers: Use Facebook’s reporting tools to mark these comments as spam or phishing.
  4. Stay Informed: Educate your team about these scams and make sure they know how to handle suspicious activity.


Your safety is our priority. By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect your business from these scammers. If you ever need help or suspect you’ve been scammed, Refundaroo is here to support you every step of the way.

Stay safe and secure,

The Refundaroo Support Team

Over £25,000 recovered from Bitcoin investment scam

Matthew reached out to Refundaroo after falling victim to a Bitcoin investment scam through a cloned trading platform.

Like many fraud victims, Matthew (name changed to protect his anonymity) accessed a website he had used many times before and trusted for high-value investments. Unfortunately, the site was a deceptive front. Scammers had cloned the platform, creating a perfect facade to mislead unsuspecting visitors.

Commenting on the ordeal, he said: “People are losing all their money, including life savings, pensions, and inheritance to cloned firms. Sadly, if there is money to be made, someone will do it.”

In Matthew’s case, he decided to invest £25,000 in Bitcoin, something he’d done previously. However, he was left stunned when he was contacted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), who informed him that the company he’d invested in had cloned a regulated firm’s website to commit fraud.

Getting Your Money Back After an Investment Scam

Matthew initially tried to recover his money directly from his bank but was disappointed when they only refunded half of the amount. He said: “My investment was made by bank transfer. Like most banks, they initially refused to accept any liability for my loss, which I didn’t accept, so I wasn’t happy with the outcome.”

Banks have a duty of care to ensure that their clients are protected from unusual activity like this and should be alerted by the fact that Matthew did not have a history of making high-value payments to this particular account.

Reflecting on the process, Matthew commented, “Looking around the internet, I found Refundaroo, who said they dealt with scams and fraud. I had nothing to lose, so I gave them a ring. They told me my bank had to protect my money and recovered all of it. They were very helpful, efficient, and understanding, and I know my money would not have been recovered without their help.”

Claudia Cardoso, co-founder of Refundaroo, said this experience is not uncommon, “Many people feel distraught when they realize they have been tricked out of their savings, but that is why it is so important to get help. We always ask people to notify their bank in the first instance, and if they’re not happy and would like further support, then we can help.”

With Refundaroo’s help, Matthew was able to recover the remaining £12,500 plus interest. Upon getting a refund for the fraud from his bank with the help of Refundaroo, Matthew commented, “I can’t recommend Refundaroo enough. If you are a victim of this type of fraud, then give Refundaroo a call. You have nothing to lose, but you could recover what you have lost.”

Refundaroo can also claim damages for distress and interest (from the date the money was lost), meaning victims get close to, or in some circumstances, more money than they lost.

Refundaroo: Committed to Helping Victims of Cryptocurrency Fraud

Refundaroo is dedicated to assisting victims of cryptocurrency fraud. If you have been affected, find out if you have a case.

YouTube Flooded with Elon Musk Crypto Scams During SpaceX Launch

Scammers exploited the excitement surrounding SpaceX’s recent Starship rocket launch, flooding YouTube with over 35 channels promoting crypto-doubling schemes. Utilizing AI-generated fake Elon Musk videos, these scams enticed viewers to scan QR codes linked to fraudulent websites. Notably, high-profile figures like Elon Musk have been frequent targets of such deceptive tactics.

Scammers target SpaceX launch

During SpaceX’s fourth test launch of the Starship rocket on June 6, cybercriminals capitalized on the event to inundate YouTube with fraudulent live streams. Identified by cybersecurity experts at Avast Threat Labs, these scammers hijacked multiple channels to propagate the classic “double your crypto” scheme.

Deceptive promises of doubling cryptocurrency

The modus operandi of these scams involves impersonating well-known personalities to lure unsuspecting victims into sending cryptocurrency to the scammer’s wallet, with the false assurance of doubling their investment. By synchronizing their fake live streams with the official SpaceX launch, scammers aimed to lend credibility to their fraudulent activities.

Among the deceptive tactics employed, one channel masqueraded as an official SpaceX account, broadcasting four simultaneous live streams featuring AI-altered videos of Elon Musk. In these videos, the fake Musk encouraged viewers to scan QR codes purportedly linked to a special website promising cryptocurrency doubling.

Impact and response

Despite the live streams garnering significant viewership, with some exceeding 100,000 viewers, the precise extent of the scam’s impact remains undisclosed. Following detection, the fraudulent streams were promptly removed, though the number of individuals deceived by the scam remains uncertain.

Elon Musk’s persistent targeting

Elon Musk, renowned for his discussions on cryptocurrencies with millions of followers, has consistently been targeted by scammers. Past incidents, including the April 8 solar eclipse, witnessed similar scams flooding YouTube, featuring fake SpaceX giveaways and QR codes leading to fraudulent websites.

In light of the escalating prevalence of such scams, Refundaroo encourages vigilance among investors and advises thorough verification of investment opportunities. Stay informed and protected from fraudulent schemes with Refundaroo’s expert guidance.


For more updates on safeguarding your investments and defending against cryptocurrency scams, stay connected with Refundaroo. We are dedicated to actively combating scams and assisting victims. If you have been affected, don’t hesitate to reach out to us to check if you have a case. Together, let’s work towards a safer investment landscape.